GMaps v3 IE poly/marker bug


This bug is caused by the 2 Mar 2011 release of GMaps 3.4. Revert to 3.3 until a fix is released.

apply poly [remove]
apply markers [remove]

Test 1

1. apply markers, 2. roll over markers. All is fine (other than IE being slow)

Test 2

1. apply poly, 2. apply markers, 3. roll over markers. Bug causes markers to disappear instead of changing.

Other stuff to try/note;


The clipped markers suggest that there's some interference between the overlay tiles and the markers.
Digging around the DOM, there's evidence of "gm_v:shape" nodes even when polys have been removed. As these elements aren't evident prior to applying polys, and given their naming, I suppose that they're used for Google Map vector tiles.